One Health EJP Dissemination Workshop: Improving One Health Preparedness to (re)emerging infectious threats


25th March 2022



With the aim of disseminating its scientific outcomes to policy makers, the One Health EJP organised a series of Dissemination Workshops. These focused on the applicability of the produced solutions, and how they can benefit the prevention, detection, and response to zoonotic pathogens, that that can be transmitted between animals and humans.

What was the aim of the Dissemination Workshop on Improving One Health Preparedness to (re)emerging infectious threats?

Considering the origin of many (re)emerging threats at the human-animal-environment-interface, preparedness strategies and structures need to consider a multidisciplinary One Health approach and be timely in place. In their Tripartite Zoonoses Guide, FAO, OIE and WHO define preparedness as “A process used in advance of a potential zoonotic disease event to ensure that capacity and resources will be available to respond”.

During this workshop, researchers of the One Health EJP shared how their novel tools and outcomes are practically used in the field, their benefits and potential impact.

The workshop showcased, for example, tools and strategies for signal sharing, outbreak analysis, and capacity mapping to strengthen One Health preparedness, considering a number of aspects like Antimicrobial Resistance and new, emerging strains of pathogens.

We discussed needs and potential solutions to contribute to further development of One Health Preparedness, from the policy as well as from the scientists’ perspectives.

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