Q1: Can the focus of the scenario be given in terms of whether veterinary, public health or food safety would be more suitable as the NEL?
The NEL is an exercise lead rather than the actual person who might coordinate Institutes in a real scenario, therefore the role can be from any Institute. The role and responsibilities for the NEL can be found on the website and training on the role will be given in March.
Q2: Can we confirm our countries agreed date now, so that we can ensure the relevant people are available and have the dates saved?
Yes, you can send through dates to us at [email protected] at any time.
Q3: Do the positions of LEL and NEL need to be hired specifically; or can it be someone already employed at the Institutes and the money paid would be to co-finance that person’s salary?
No, you do not need to hire LEL and NEL post specifically, we envisaged they would be someone already employed in the Insitute. All EJP partner Institutes already have 2 month funding for LEL and an extra 2-month funding for the NEL on a 44/56 basis.
Q4: I am member of Exercise Steering Board, does that exclude me from being LEL or NEL?
It is preferrable that the LEL and NEL are not members of the Steering Board, but it isn’t necessary, so if it is best for your Institute/country for you to be one or both or these roles that is OK.
Q5: Should we find a Local Exercise Evaluator for each participating institute? Internal from that institute?
Yes each participating institute will need a local evaluator and we would expect them to be internal from that institute, but its not essential.
Q6: What aspects of the Institute participation in the SimEx is covered by the OHEJP funding?
The funding provides one LEL per institute and one NEL per country as detailed in Q3 to complete their duties. In addition it provides travel and subsistance for the LEL/NELs to attend a workshop in March 2022. All other activities and personnel salaries to complete the exercise will need to be funded by the Institute.
Q7: Can the role of LEL be split across more than one person?
Yes, the role can be split, but only one person can attend the workshop, and the combined person months claimed cannot exceed 2 months.
Q8: My Institute is not drectly involved in National disease responses, can we still take part in the excercise
Your Institute does not have to be directly involved in national disease responses in order to take part, although it will be more relevant if it is. We suggest you may wish to buddy up with a Institute that is directly involved to provide assistance/personnel etc. In this way your LEL can attend the workshop and help organise the SimEx alongside the other LELs and the NEL in your country.