One Health EJP Dissemination Workshop on Metagenomics


27th October 2021



With the aim of disseminating its scientific outcomes to policy makers, the One Health EJP organised a series of Dissemination Workshops which focused on the applicability of the produced solutions, and how they can benefit the prevention, detection, and response to zoonotic pathogens, that can infect both animals and humans.

What is the aim of the Metagenomics Dissemination Workshop?

Metagenomic techniques allow the identification of the whole microbial community from a sample – being it human, animal, food or environmental – rather than detecting only pre-selected microbes, as it is the case with many traditional methods.

During this workshop, researchers of the One Health EJP depicted how their novel tools were practically used in the field, what benefit they bring, and what is their impact.

We discussed the use of metagenomics tools for identification of antimicrobial resistance, for improving the safety of food and feeds, for discovering emerging viral threats, and for diagnostics for clinical and surveillance purposes .

We discussed needs and potential solutions from the policy side as well as from the scientists’ side.



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