One Health EJP Joint SimEx/Dissemination Workshop


6th December 2022, 13:00h-16:00h CET



The One Health EJP is a European collaboration across the fields of public health, animal health and food safety.

With the aim of disseminating its scientific outcomes to decision makers and policy makers, the One Health EJP organised a series of Dissemination Workshops. These workshops focused on the applicability of the produced solutions and how these can benefit the prevention, detection, and response to infectious disease threats.

A One Health Simulation Exercise as a roadmap for future foodborne outbreak preparedness

Participation in simulation exercises can strengthen One Health preparedness, by identifying gaps in institutional and national preparedness plans and procedures and by providing clarity on roles and responsibilities.

The One Health EJP SimEx was a table-top exercise on a Salmonella Typhimurium outbreak at national level that involved both the food chain and pet feed chain. The One Health EJP SimEx aimed to assess interdisciplinary collaboration capacity and information flow between institutions involved in One Health, public health, animal health and/or food safety in countries across Europe.

This Joint SimEx/Dissemination Workshop was held on 6th December 2022 and highlighted the main outcomes from the One Health EJP SimEx. These included good practices currently in place and the major gaps identified, based on the results of the collective experience of 11 countries, as well as insights and recommendations for implementation and improvement.

The aim of the Joint SimEx/Dissemination Workshop was to inspire attendees  to pursue a One Health approach and become better equipped to support decision making to address the identified gaps.



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