OHEJP Final Meeting 2023


11-12 September 2023


In person at Ministry of Health, Paris, and online

Launched in 2018, the One Health EJP will now be completed on 30th September 2023.

On this unique occasion, we invited all partners and collaborators to gather together at the OHEJP Final Meeting for a special moment of fellowship. This event was held on Monday 11th (afternoon) and Tuesday 12th (morning) September 2023 in the premises of the French Ministry of Health and Prevention.

This meeting was hosted by ANSES and had several objectives. First, we highlighted the outcomes produced over these past five years in the zoonoses, antimicrobial resistance, and emerging threat research fields. A wide variety of activities was completed such as:

–       24 Joint Research Projects and 6 Joint Integrative Projects

–       A simulation exercise involving 11 countries and 25 participating Institutes participants,

–       17 PhDs,

–       Summer schools, workshops, and short-term missions

–       Annual scientific meetings from 2019 to 2022.

Furthermore, we demonstrated the progress made for the sustainability of the OHEJP. We may confirm the legacy of the One Health concept that is now part of the DNA of each partner of the consortium, alongside representatives of the European Commission (DG AGRI, DG RTD, DG Santé, DG ENV, DG HERA), and other high-level institutions (EFSA, ECDC, etc.).

With the participation of key stakeholders of the OHEJP, we drew a picture of the OHEJP legacy, and emphasised the future perspectives of the consortium.

Thanks to all the teams who have taken the OHEJP forward and highlighted a great European partnership, as this meeting allowed us to close this great programme in celebration and commemoration. Thanks to all speakers and attendees who contributed to the success of this final event.

Please read the official press release about the OHEJP Final Meeting and programme end, accessible here. More information about the wide-ranging impact of the OHEJP is provided on the ANSES website.

The One Health EJP Final Meeting sessions can be viewed as videos on YouTube and the presentations are available as PDFs to download here.

Final meeting group photo of attendees outside Ministry of Health in Paris.
save the date flyer finalmeeting2023



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