Four One Health EJP BIOPIGEE project output tools are available online

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BIOPIGEE project identified and investigated effective biosecurity measures against Salmonella and Hepatitis E virus (HEV) in European pig farming and slaughterhouses. ​

The project has developed several tools for farming students, individual farmers, veterinarians, researchers, policy makers or industry stakeholders. ​

There are now four publicly accessible tools to use:​

1) BIOPIGEE Glossary​: to clarify the understanding of pig farming and biosecurity terms and definitions.

2) BIOPIGEE Cost- Effectiveness Support Tool​: to estimate the benefit-cost ratios and net-benefits of the implementation of effective biosecurity measures against Salmonella or HEV for farms.

3) BIOPIGEE Information Material for Farming Schools​: to show pictures of good examples of biosecurity measures on pig farms in Europe.

4) BIOPIGEE Checklists for Salmonella and HEV: to assess farm biosecurity against Salmonella or HEV on an individual farm based on current scientific knowledge.

You will find more detailed information about these tools, their practical applications and how to access them on the BIOPIGEE project page.



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