What is the OHEJP Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA)?

Image of front cover of SRIA report with text saying One Health EJP Five years of One Health experience: our legacy

What is the OHEJP Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA)?

This comprehensive report :

1) Aims at attaining sustainability of the main outcomes and impacts from One Health EJP activities during the last 5 years.

2) Broadens the scope of One Health. It helps to consolidate an aligned One Health collaboration among actors responsible for public health, animal health and the environment in Europe, relevant for future initiatives.

3) Includes the OHEJP Sustainability Plan 2021-2030 to ensure the legacy of our work.

Learn how the SRIA can benefit other One Health research programmes and initiatives. Publication of the SRIA ensures our legacy for a brighter One Health future in Europe and beyond.

The branded SRIA report is now available on our website here.

Read the SRIA blog post and download the SRIA flyer containing a QR code to access the report.



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