Congratulations to former One Health EJP PhD student Mélanie Hennart for co-authorship on a new publication!

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Congratulations to former One Health EJP PhD student Mélanie Hennart for her co-authorship on a publication in Microbiology Spectrum.

Mélanie worked on PhD project Codes4strains at Institut Pasteur with her supervisor Sylvain Brisse.

She contributed to a scientific article on the occurrence, clinical and microbiological characteristics of infections caused by Corynebacteria of the diphtheriae Species Complex (CdSC)​ members in companion animals. This bacterial group poses a zoonotic infection risk to humans. ​

This is the first study based on the systematic analysis of a very large animal cohort, which provides data on the frequency of CdSC isolates in various types of clinical samples from animals. ​

This novel data on CdSC infections highlights the need for the management of animals and their human contacts. ​

Museux, K., Arcari, G., Rodrigo, G., Hennart, M., Badell, E., Toubiana, J., & Brisse, S. (2023). Corynebacteria of the diphtheriae Species Complex in Companion Animals: Clinical and Microbiological Characterization of 64 Cases from France. Microbiology spectrum. e0000623. Advance online publication. ​

Thanks to all authors for their contributions to this publication. ​
Read this research article here.



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