One Health EJP Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) – Our Legacy

The One Health EJP Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) is now available to read on our website.

ohejp strategic research and innovative agenda

The SRIA aims at attaining sustainability of the main outcomes and impacts of the One Health EJP to ensure the legacy of our work. This collaborative programme across the domains of foodborne zoonoses, antimicrobial resistance, and emerging threats leads to our expertise in the One Health arena. Delivery of the SRIA broadens the scope of One Health and helps to consolidate an aligned One Health collaboration among European stakeholders responsible for public health, animal health and the environment for future initiatives.

In the SRIA, we highlight how the One Health EJP has adopted an interdisciplinary, integrative, and international approach to One Health for disease prevention, detection, and control across Europe. The success of the One Health EJP has depended on having mechanisms in place to ensure that the project outputs and outcomes are available to the scientific community, the authorities and policy makers to encourage their wider uptake and implementation across sectors.

Our five years of One Health experience are shared in the SRIA, through an exploration of our past, present, and future. An introduction provides the background and context for the establishment of the One Health EJP. An overview summarises the many present challenges and opportunities in One Health, with focus on science-to-policy translation, the role of the environment and pandemic preparedness in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. An assessment of the actual needs of stakeholders in the future is presented, addressing a variety of topics from ecosystem health and climate change to emerging food trends for sustainability.

The vision and mission of the SRIA aims to broaden the One Health scope and consolidate a European One Health network. This network will facilitate the alignment of surveillance, laboratory procedures, risk assessment methodologies and intervention approaches across sectors and countries to benefit the health of animals, humans, and the environment. The SRIA also provides an update on the specific One Health EJP objectives, previously presented in the Strategic Research Agenda in 2019, to meet the present and future challenges and needs of societies in Europe. New objectives related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals are documented in the SRIA, which emphasises the importance of One Health EJP activities in relation to international aims.

A key section of the SRIA includes the expected impacts of the One Health EJP, through the uptake and application of One Health EJP tools and solutions at the national, European, and international level. We share a selection of the project outcomes aligned to the integrative strategy matrix that was developed to meet the needs of key stakeholders. This approach facilitates the uptake of the One Health EJP derived outputs and outcomes for future activities.

Finally, we share the Sustainability Plan for 2021-2030. This plan recommends actions that will result in maintaining major outcomes of the One Health EJP for their benefits to persist in the future, after programme completion in September 2023. Some key instruments for the sustainability of the One Health EJP are identified, such as the Med-Vet-Net Association and other European partnerships.

Publication of the SRIA ensures our legacy for a brighter One Health future in Europe and beyond.

To learn more, please access the branded SRIA document here.

A flyer summarising the SRIA is available to download here.

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