We celebrate the success of our Stakeholder Conference “Collaborating to face future One Health challenges in Europe” from 19th...
Posts tagged by One Health EJP Conference 2023:
Posts tagged by One Health EJP Conference 2023:
Our Conference “Collaborating to face future One Health challenges in Europe” starts today!
Jennifer Cantlay | | Latest News, OHEJP Legacy, One Health, One Health EJP Conference 2023, StakeholdersOur Conference “Collaborating to face future One Health challenges in Europe” starts today! We welcome all participants from across...
Conference Announcement for the One Health European Joint Programme Conference June 2023 for stakeholders
Jennifer Cantlay | | OHEJP Blog, OHEJP Legacy, One Health, One Health EJP Conference 2023, StakeholdersThe One Health European Joint Programme (OHEJP) is delighted to announce that the final international stakeholder conference “Collaborating to...