Conference Announcement for the One Health European Joint Programme Conference June 2023 for stakeholders

The One Health European Joint Programme (OHEJP) is delighted to announce that the final international stakeholder conference “Collaborating to face future One Health challenges in Europe” will be held in Belgium. 

The One Health EJP Conference 2023 will take place in Brussels from the 19th to 21st June 2023. This three-day hybrid event will be held both online and in-person at the inspiring Museum of Natural Sciences (Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences). Since Brussels is the centre for European Union politics and governance, it provides an ideal location for the final conference focused on addressing One Health challenges in Europe now and in the future. Conference attendance is open to a variety of different stakeholders, including those from public and private sector organisations across Europe and globally. Our Consortium looks forward to welcoming 165 delegates for on-site participation and an unlimited number of online attendees for this exciting international event. Online registration remains open on our website until 12th June 2023.

Image of a scene in Brussels with text to say that registration is open for the One Health EJP Stakeholder Conference 2023

Our societies face multiple health threats from zoonotic infectious diseases (transmitted from animals to humans), antimicrobial resistance (AMR), climate change, biodiversity loss and environmental degradation. The severity of these emerging threats and their impacts on people and non-human species will increase over this decade unless the One Health approach is more widely adopted. One Health is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimise the health of people, animals, and ecosystems. Whilst many European and international organisations have already adopted this holistic approach to be better prepared to prevent, predict, detect, and respond to global health challenges – further progress in its wider application is essential.

Since 2018, The One Health EJP has embraced the One Health approach in its collaborative partnership with 44 institutions across Europe in the fields of public health, animal health and food safety, including the Med-Vet-Net Association. The Consortium has established One Health networks and the scientific research has developed tools to tackle AMR, foodborne zoonoses and emerging threats. Collaborating to face future One Health challenges in Europe conference will share One Health EJP-devised solutions to improve the detect-prevent-response capacity of European countries and highlight the impact of our programme.

Invited speakers include high-level representatives from influential organisations and One Health EJP members who will provide their insights on One Health in Europe. Conference sessions will focus on what is currently being done and what we can expect from future European One Health initiatives to address the complex health challenges that arise.

The conference will be divided into four main themes: One Health in Europe, One Health in Practice, Beyond Classic One Health, and the Future of One Health. Speakers will discuss how the theory of One Health may be put into practice at the EU and national levels. Representatives from the European Commission and from European Agencies (EFSA, ECDC, EEA, EMA) will offer their perspectives on One Health policy. One Health EJP members will explain the relevance and impact of our cross-sectoral activities to address European health needs.

Panel discussions will examine the concerns of the public and consumers, highlight the challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss and consider how to better include the environment, social sciences, public sector in future One Health initiatives. Invited speakers for these panel discussions include representatives from the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, SafeConsume, BEUC, Biodiversa+, One Health Social Sciences Initiative, AnimalhealthEurope and Federation of Veterinarians of Europe.

The aims of this conference are to provide engaging and progressive discussions on the future of One Health to a broad global audience, whilst also highlighting the legacy of One Health EJP’s work.

More information about the One Health EJP can be found on our website.

Collaborating to face future One Health challenges in Europe provides registration information and the conference agenda.



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