Our latest Project Impact Brochure for PhD LIN-RES is now available on our website.
This PhD project focused on antimicrobial resistance, which is a global One Health problem and recognised by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as ‘one of the most urgent health threats of our time.’ The LIN-RES PhD has improved our understanding of the molecular basis, origin, transferability and risk factors associated with linezolid-resistance emergence in Gram-positive bacteria of human and animal origin.
The LIN-RES PhD project drew mainly on samples collected from the Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain – Belgian Antimicrobial Resistance Official Monitoring programme.
Read about the PhD project outputs in the brochure, which included:
- A new surveillance methodology to specifically monitor resistance to linezolid.
- Making publicly available the results, including genomic data, to compare with future monitoring/ research in this field.
- Making available a collection of linezolid resistance strains gathered through the project to help other member states launch a similar monitoring.
- Raising awareness of the human and animal sector on the linezolid-resistance issue.
The LIN-RES provided insights into linezolid-resistance bacterial populations in Europe, highlighting the need for an integrated One Health approach. The project key results and outcomes shared in this brochure have already been disseminated to several Belgian institutions, European institutions and agencies.
Read the LIN-RES project brochure to learn more about the potential impact of this research. See the LIN-RES PhD project webpage and access the brochure here.