Our latest Project Impact Brochure for PhD SUSTAIN is now available on our website.
This project improves our understanding of the policy process for better integration and institutionalisation of the One Health approach across Europe.
The SUSTAIN PhD project brought together Swedish and Italian experts of public health, veterinary, food and the environment to understand the approaches, challenges, and operationalisation of the One Health approach. The project compared the nuances between these governments and their institutes, highlighting the coordination and collaboration practices across institutes and the institutional One Health strategies employed. The project outcomes shared in this brochure provide important knowledge that can be beneficial for actors such as policy-makers and experts in One Health fields.
Please read the brochure to learn more about PhD SUSTAIN project outputs and outcomes.
This project resulted in outputs that are expected to:
- Facilitate a stronger inter-sectoral collaboration, and knowledge sharing to create a framework to include political, socio-economic, and the environmental sector in the One Health approach.
- Promote discussion at the national level for a mixed global governance regime with legally binding previsions combined with national action plans tailored to the specific needs of individual member states to strengthen One Health commitments.
- Decrease agency fragmentation and silo barriers in human, veterinary, and food agencies; to enhance coordination of common interdisciplinary One Health challenges (e.g., SARS-CoV-2).
Consequently, the SUSTAIN brochure provides insights into the challenges and opportunities that can be used to facilitate institutionalisation by creating networks and bridging disciplinary silos. The project will help to promote enhanced operationalisation and institutionalisation of the One Health approach within institutes and across public health, animal health, environment sectors.
Read the SUSTAIN project brochure to learn more about the potential impact of this research. See the SUSTAIN PhD project webpage and access the brochure here.