Successful Joint Committee meeting in Stockholm

Programme Managers Committee (PMC) meeting - 2022/11/22

Thanks to all participants who attended our Programme Managers Committee (PMC) meeting and Joint PMC/Programme Owners Committee (POC) meeting in Sweden from 21st to 22nd November 2022.

For the PMC-POC meeting, our audience of over 70 attendees also included invited representatives from European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), European Environment Agency (EEA), World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) & JPIAMR.

Our special thanks to the organising team at Folkhälsomyndigheten (FoHM) – Public Health Agency of Sweden and Statens veterinärmedicinska anstalt (SVA) – Swedish National Veterinary Institute, for hosting us in Stockholm.

During these two days of interactive meetings, we celebrated our collaborative One Health journey over the last five years. We showcased how Joint Integrative/Joint Research Projects’ novel outputs and outcomes are being applied in Europe to tackle health threats of antimicrobial resistance, emerging disease threats and foodborne zoonoses. In addition, we updated the audience on the SimEx exercises that have advanced understanding on how to improve national preparedness to future foodborne zoonotic disease outbreaks. Discussions on our innovative education and training activities provide an exemplary model for One Health professional development of students and early career researchers.

Lively audience participation in the final Mentimeter session generated useful feedback on what individuals have gained from the One Health EJP and consider important for the future. This information will benefit the subsequent impacts of our work.

Let us further strengthen our networks to ensure the legacy of the One Health EJP continues!



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