Final CPD Module delivered in Denmark
One major component of the One Health EJP Education and Training activities involves delivering innovative Continuing Professional Development (CPD) modules to early career researchers and PhD students. Free registration is available for Consortium members to help advance their practical skills under key One Health themes. Our CPD events are also available to selected fee paying applicants outside of the Consortium, provided they can explain how attendance would benefit them.
Three CPD modules have now been conducted, with this year’s final module on “Rapid diagnostics and harmonisation of diagnostic tests” held on 2-4th November 2022. The Technical University of Denmark’s National Food Institute (DTU Food) and Statens Serum Institut (SSI) in Copenhagen, Denmark successfully hosted this hybrid training event, which was attended by 9 in person participants from 5 different countries and 23 online participants from 14 different countries. In total, 14 countries were represented by all attendees, which included those in Europe (Denmark, Italy, Iceland, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, UK and Ukraine) and some further afield (India and Turkey). Participants included research fellows, PhD students, and Postdocs, among others, from across sectors and disciplines within the One Heath arena.
This module discussed the role of diagnostics and related challenges from both microbiological and epidemiological perspectives. Several different teaching and learning methods were used in the module, conducted on-site and online, including hands-on exercises in the laboratory and at the desk, and focus group discussions. The module focused on interesting case studies based upon infection outbreaks involving two pathogens of zoonotic importance, specifically E. coli bacteria and Cryptosporidium parasite species. Good participant engagement with these case-based scenarios led to greater appreciation for cross-sector collaboration in these situations. The exercises performed in person and online also highlighted the importance of harmonised laboratory methods across multiple pathogens when undertaking management of a zoonotic outbreak using a One Health approach.
This CPD module drew on the experiences and new scientific knowledge from three Joint Integrative Projects: OH-Harmony-CAP, MATRIX and CARE. Latest research was shared on Whole Genome Sequencing, bioinformatics tools, and disease surveillance techniques. Practical sessions in the laboratory enabled on-site participants to improve their diagnostic skills in phenotypical and molecular typing/characterisation. Desk based sessions involved participants using epidemiological tools and techniques to enhance their data collection and interpretation skills. The final session enabled both on-site and online attendees to compile a list of lessons learnt and key conclusions. Relevant experts and project leaders, from both DTU Food and SSI, and the larger One Health domain contributed to this exceptional training experience.
Caroline Eves based at SSI was a key organiser of this CPD event and afterwards she said “We had a wonderful group of young professionals attend this year’s CPD module, both in person and online. Participants were enthusiastic and engaged in not only the module material, but also discussing various challenges to and experiences with One Health in their own countries and contexts, creating an atmosphere of openness and collaboration. It was a wonderful to bring people of different backgrounds and several OHEJP projects together under one roof.”
Participants provided positive feedback, thus reflecting the high standard of this CPD delivery. Charlotte Kjelsø from SSI said “For me there was an overall profit from meeting colleagues and get familiar with work within other relevant fields of one health than my own. And I wish that modules like this will be part of every country´s own strategy for implementing and maintaining good One Health practice.”
Our thanks to all the organisers of this last CPD module for making it an impactful OHEJP training event for 2022.