One Health European Joint Programme

A landmark partnership between 43 partners, including acclaimed food, veterinary and medical laboratories and institutes across Europe and also the Med-Vet-Net Association.

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What we do...

Education for the next generation of One Health Scientists

The One Health EJP funded several Education and Training activities, including the Doctoral Programme, Short Term Missions, Summer Schools and Continuing Professional Development modules, for building a sustainable framework in the fields of foodborne zoonoses, antimicrobial resistance and emerging threats.

Education & Training

One Health community

The One Health EJP provides an interdisciplinary, collaborative One Health community across Consortium and stakeholder members. One Health EJP news is shared through Latest News posts, newsletters and the OHEJP Blog.


Latest news

Science to Policy translation

The One Health EJP Work package 5 Science to Policy Translation curates the dissemination of One Health EJP outcomes to stakeholders through targeted initiatives that include thematic reports and workshops.


Science to Policy Reports

Our scientific project topics

Diseases that are transmitted directly or indirectly between animals or humans (zoonoses), as well as antimicrobial resistance (AMR), pose major risks to public health. One Health EJP conducts research and integrative activities under the domains of foodborne zoonoses, antimicrobial resistance and emerging threats (newly emerging infectious pathogens) through 24 Joint Research Projects (JRP), six Joint Integrative Projects (JIP) and 17 PhD projects.

Scientific Projects



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