Interview with One Health EJP Scientific Co-ordinator Hein Imberechts on Antimicrobial Resistance.

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Interview with One Health EJP Scientific Co-ordinator Hein Imberechts on Antimicrobial Resistance in Horizon magazine – 5th May 2022.

Antimicrobial resistance is a fundamental One Health issue and one of the main topics that the One Health EJP Consortium is aiming to address, with several research projects specifically working on this increasing global problem.

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) can spread between people and animals through the environment. In a recent interview with Horizon Magazine, our scientific co-ordinator Hein Imberechts explained that AMR can only be addressed through a One Health approach which considers animal diseases, human diseases, and the environment as being one ecosystem.

Hein discussed the implications of AMR to public and animal health, and the OHEJP approach to this issue. He highlighted how the research outputs from projects like ARDIG, ORION and COHESIVE have been addressing AMR or are very relevant to tackle this problem. These include standardising the data on use of antimicrobials in the countries, the development of a standard ‘dictionary’ (glossary) among health workers from different sectors, and the development of an online tool to facilitate information sharing across the animal health and human health sectors, thus facilitating the management of potential foodborne disease outbreaks.

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