Registration is now open for the One Health EJP Final Meeting!
This meeting will be held on the 11th and 12th September 2023 at the Ministry of Health in Paris, France. It will be hosted by Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire – Anses.
We invite all One Health EJP Consortium members and key external stakeholders involved with the OHEJP during the last five years to attend.
We will highlight One Health EJP project outcomes in the fields of antimicrobial resistance, foodborne zoonoses and emerging threats. There will also be discussions on the progress made for the sustainability of the One Health EJP. With the participation of key One Health EJP stakeholders, we will explain the vision for the OHEJP legacy and emphasise the future perspectives of the Consortium within the One Health arena.
More details and registration link are available on our website.