ASM Satellite workshop 2022: “Diagnostics workshop: mobile detection platforms for One Health diagnostics applications” Thank you to the organising...
Posts tagged by One Health:
Posts tagged by One Health:
PMC-POC Meeting 2022 – Future Legacy of the One Health EJP
Jennifer Cantlay | | OHEJP Blog, Legacy, One Health, One Health EJP, PMC-POC MeetingPMC-POC Meeting 2022 – Future Legacy of the One Health EJP Over the last five years, the integrative research...
Fantastic One Health EJP Final School 2022!
Jennifer Cantlay | | OHEJP Blog, Education and Training, Final School, One Health, One Health EJP, SustainabilityFantastic One Health EJP Final School 2022! The One Health EJP Summer Schools have been an important element of...
Final CPD Module delivered in Denmark
Jennifer Cantlay | | OHEJP Blog, CPD module, diagnostics, Education and Training, One Health, One Health EJPFinal CPD Module delivered in Denmark One major component of the One Health EJP Education and Training activities involves...
BIOPIGEE workshop shared biosecurity measures in pig production
Jennifer Cantlay | | OHEJP Blog, BIOPIGEE, Biosecurity, One Health, One Health EJP, Pig Production, Workshop, ZoonosesBIOPIGEE workshop shared biosecurity measures in pig production Since 2020, the BIOPIGEE project (Biosecurity practices for pig farming across...
One Health EJP Outcome Inventory
Jennifer Cantlay | | OHEJP Blog, OHEJP Outcome Inventory, One Health, One Health EJP, Project outcomesOne Health EJP Outcome Inventory The One Health EJP dissemination activities are numerous and diverse. With 30 Joint Research...
A day in the life of Laura González Villeta – #OHEJPphdlife #EnvDis
Jennifer Cantlay | | OHEJP Blog, Doctoral Programme, EnvDis, OHEJP PhD life, One Health, One Health EJP, PhD projectA day in the life of Laura González Villeta Read our fourth #OHEJPphdlife post describing a day in the...
One Health EJP SimEx Workshop: Preparation for the OHEJP SimEx
Aurore Poirier | | OHEJP Blog, Disease outbreak, One Health, One Health EJP, SimEx, WorkshopOne Health EJP SimEx Workshop: Preparation for the OHEJP SimEx With aim of training the National and Local Exercise...
A day in the life of Bosco Rodríguez Matamoros – #OHEJPphdlife #METAPRO
Jennifer Cantlay | | OHEJP Blog, Antimicrobial resistance, Metagenomics, METAPRO, OHEJP PhD life, One Health, One Health EJP, PhD projectA day in the life of Bosco Rodríguez Matamoros Read our third #OHEJPphdlife post describing a day in the...
OHEJP ASM 2022 – Celebrating the success of our One Health research
Jennifer Cantlay | | OHEJP Blog, Annual Scientific Meeting, Antimicrobial resistance, Emerging threats, Foodborne Zoonoses, One Health, One Health EJPOHEJP ASM 2022 – Celebrating the success of our One Health research We thank all the participants at the...
A day in the life of Ciriac Charles – #OHEJPphdlife #PEMbo
Jennifer Cantlay | | OHEJP Blog, Bovine Tuberculosis, OHEJP PhD life, One Health, One Health EJP, PEMBO, PhD project, ZoonoticA day in the life of Ciriac Charles Read our second #OHEJPphdlife post describing a day in the life...
Dissemination Workshop Series: METAGENOMICS
Aurore Poirier | | OHEJP Blog, Dissemination workshop, Metagenomics, One Health, One Health EJPDissemination Workshop Series: METAGENOMICS With the aim of disseminating the One Health EJP (OHJEP) scientific outcomes to national policy...
A day in the life of Marieke de Cock – #OHEJPphdlife #DESIRE
Aurore Poirier | | OHEJP Blog, DESIRE, OHEJP PhD life, One Health, One Health EJP, PhD project, SurveillanceA day in the life of Marieke de Cock Read our first #OHEJPphdlife post, showcasing a day in the...
Integrated Approach to Zoonoses workshop
Piyali Basu | | OHEJP Blog, Integrated, One Health, One Health EJP, Systems thinking, Workshop, ZoonosesIntegrated Approach to Zoonoses workshop “Thank you” to the local organising team at the National Institute for Public Health...
One Health EJP Summer School 2021: Environmental Issues in One Health
Piyali Basu | | OHEJP Blog, Education and Training, Environment, One Health, One Health EJP, Summer SchoolOne Health EJP Summer School 2021: Environmental Issues in One Health “Thank you” to the local organising team at...
A legacy through our Education and Training activities
Piyali Basu | | OHEJP Blog, Collaboration, Education and Training, One Health, One Health EJPA legacy through our Education and Training activities Since the start of the One Health EJP Education and Training...
Decision Support Tool for One Health Risk Assessment
Jade Passey | | OHEJP Blog, COHESIVE, Decision support tool, One Health, One Health EJP, Risk assessmentDecision Support Tool for One Health Risk Assessment The One Health EJP COHESIVE project focuses on improving and implementing...
One Health EJP ASM Satellite Workshop 2021
Jade Passey | | OHEJP Blog, ASM satellite workshop, Digital solutions, One Health, One Health EJP, Software FairOnline Software Fair “Thank you” to the local organising team at the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR)...
One Health EJP ASM 2021 Official Press Release
Jade Passey | | OHEJP Blog, Animal health, Annual Scientific Meeting, Antimicrobial resistance, Food safety, One Health, One Health EJP, Public HealthOne Health EJP Annual Scientific Meeting 2021 Official Press Release – June 2021 Denmark hosting a major international event...
One Health EJP CPD module: Outbreak Preparedness
Jade Passey | | OHEJP Blog, CPD module, One Health, One Health EJP, Outbreak preparedness, ZoonosesOne Health EJP CPD module: Outbreak Preparedness Thank you to the lead organisers at the National Institute for Public...